I am now in the world of the gainfully employed!

A bit of background: I'm a certified social studies teacher and have been unemployed/subbing for the past 6 years. Being hired by school districts in my area is an incredibly difficult prospect. I have interviewed countless times, but have always gotten the "you're a strong candidate, but we decided to go with someone else" phone call each time. At one point, I told a friend "if I hear the phrase 'strong candidate' one more time, I swear I'm gonna take a hostage!"

I recently applied for, and interviewed for, a long-term assignment teaching high school social studies. The teacher who was leaving the position was one I had subbed for frequently. I knew his classes, his routines, and his students very well. But, yet again, I got the "strong candidate" phone call. I was DEVASTATED!

Yesterday, however, I got a phone call from the principal at this high school. Evidently the guy they hired was "unable to fulfill his contract" (her words), and then offered me the position. I was in the middle of subbing at another school, and I literally started doing the happy dance in the middle of class. Yes, I got many strange looks from the students. I then wrote out the sign above and showed it to them, all while still talking on the phone. Smiles and cheers replaced their quizzical looks.

I know this is is only a temporary position, and I am not taking it for granted that I will be hired on permanently (been down that disappointing path before). But, I am still over-the-moon happy. First - I get to teach for 2 months. I get my own classroom. I set my own agenda instead of deciphering other teachers' agendas. But most importantly, second - I feel validated. Even though I am their second choice, I was still selected. After the year that I've had, this is huge!

Happy Vernal Equinox 2016!

Yes, Spring has sprung!

Here in Montana, we were blessed with an early Spring. My crocuses were sprouting in early February and were in full bloom by the first of March - a full month earlier than normal. The lilacs, daffodils, and crabapple trees have all followed suit.

Given the crises and sadness we've experienced over the past six months, an early Spring is definitely welcome. There's just something about the growth of new life that puts things in perspective for me, that things will get better. My heart has definitely felt lighter the past few weeks.

Of course, our early Spring will come at a cost. We haven't had any significant precipitation since the middle of January. I've already had to water my gardens, a chore that normally I don't have to begin until June. We could be in for a bad drought and fire season this summer.

But right now, that seems so far off. In the meantime, grow little plants, grow!

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