
Week In The Life 2016 - Tuesday Words & Pictures

9:45 PM

Day 2 is in the books! I didn't take nearly as many photos today as I did yesterday, but I did get enough to tell the story of today.

Today started with my daily medications. I actually forgot to take these yesterday and could definitely tell the difference!

I usually take my breakfast with me to school. I'm not hungry when I first get up in the morning, so I bring food with me.  Lately, breakfast has included oatmeal with dried fruit & nuts and an oh-so-healthy Diet Mt. Dew. Don't judge....

School today included lots of grading.

I am beginning to utilize online classroom tools. It is so handy - having assignments turned in online where I can grade them digitally. I share a Chromebook lab with the teacher next door, so coordination can get kind of sketchy.

If its Tuesday, its Big Ass Burrito Tuesday at Chipotle. I love this weekly tradition!

After dinner, we ran a few errands, including gassing up the car and swinging by Target to pick up the Blue Ray disc of Deadpool. Rob is just slightly obsessed....

The night was wrapped up by spending time online, and having my nightly yogurt and Diet Dew (there may or may not be a slight addiction).

Have a great day!

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