Week In The Life 2016 - Monday's Words and Pictures

9:12 PM

I am really psyched for Week In The Life this year, mostly because my documentation includes my new (temporary) teaching job. What a great chance this is to document what I want my true professional life to be.

Monday began early, as all weekdays do for me. Teaching an early morning class is tough for a night owl like me.

The start of the day includes a side trip to Starbucks for a white chocolate mocha (grande, with whole milk)

The morning was really rainy, which I really shouldn't complain about, seeing as this is Montana and we are in a perpetual drought.

I gave my DSLR (Nikon 7200 with a 35mm 1.8 prime lens) to one of my more trustworthy students in my early morning class to capture some pics of me teaching.

He got a little bit...uh...creative with his photography:

Yes, that is a rubber ducky in the likeness of Bill Clinton.

The day included lesson planning and grading.

The afternoon was lazy. I usually take a nap, or just veg out on the couch, watching TV.

It may or may not have included ice cream straight from the carton.

The evening involved teaching Zumba Toning. I get just a little bit sweaty....

Rob had Mexicali Beef Skillet ready for me when I got home.

And that's pretty much my day. One day down, six to go. Bring on Tuesday!!!!

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  1. Great pictures! Love that you got your student to capture you! I look forward to following throughout the week :)

  2. Love all of your photos!!!!!


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