Rocky Mountain High!!!!

5:21 PM

Yesterday afternoon was rather tense in my household. This zombie could have been Rob watching his Broncos play the Patriots. I don't think he actually took a breath until the very end of the game when he felt sure of Denver's victory. I can totally understand that - I saw it happen the previous week where Denver's defense almost gave up an entire game to San Diego in the last 2 minutes.

So, we now get to look forward to Super Bowl Sunday in 2 weeks. We've already got a little shindig planned, with Rob's parents & some others who love football and/or good food. I'm already planning on making a big pot of shredded barbecue beef for sandwiches.

I'm thrilled for Rob that his team is playing in the Super Bowl. Never mind the fact that my beloved Redskins haven't been to a Super Bowl since 1992. I get to live vicariously through him.

And I'll be dressed in my Peyton Manning Broncos jersey. know....he is my Cutie Patootie!!!!

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